In today's society it is more apparent than ever for technology to be used in classrooms. What has evolved from chalkboards to projectors to computer labs, has allowed both students and teachers to become better educated. I feel that because of this norm are teachers and students are influenced to use technology in the classroom. In order to become accustomed to the new era of technology, educators are embedding it in schools.
The ISTE standards for educators are essentially a guideline explaining characteristics that teachers should possess. The learner standard is most important to me because the main goal of implementing technology in school is to better educate the students. Making sure teachers and students are collaborating to ensure that students are being taught properly. One that I will need more training on is being a designer. Being able to create new interesting ideas to educate someone is not one of my strong points.
I feel that the name "digital native" is an appropriate term for today's youth. Although I only graduated four years ago I am seeing the technological changes that are happening in schools. In high school if I needed to research information I would have to use my textbooks or the school computers. My younger siblings who are in middle school and high school are both provided with laptops by their school to do their work. The new norm for technology is apparent to today's youth more than older generations.
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